Sunday, January 29, 2012

Romance Remembered

Time escapes me...  I should be emailing you all more of lately, but time escapes me.  I can barely keep a current post up.  Work - and life in general - has the best of me for the moment. 

Valentine's Day is approaching, and with February - the end is near (of winter, of course).  As my Boompa used to say - February is here, and the end is near... and I am a lover of all things 'spring' so I, too,  anxiously await her arrival. 

But, until then, I'll share some sweet romance with you all...

My vintage typewriter find...$10.00.  She dates to 1917.  Fancy little keys she has.  Just imagine the messages she used to pound out... and when!!  And my sweet roses...who, I ask, can ever tire of photographing the undulating lines of a rose?

Not I, said she...

...not with these sweet reflections in my crackled mirror.

For love here and gone...timeless.
If the entire family of roses could speak throughout all of history... just think all of the stories they would tell...

Young love...

...Dan and I at the alter.  The red depression glass vase was a gift from him one birthday many years ago.  We use it all the time... it was just a few dollars.  The important thing was that he knew I loved vintage glass.  Cost -- irrelevant.

Old love...
my deceased.  This tiny picture is of their young love back when they were first married at twenty years old... a marriage that weathered 59 years.  A tiny vintage candid shot with her old camera, somewhere on some lake with a little fishing shack.  Good times bought on the cheap during hard times.  1940.  Stuffed in this little frame that I bought at an antique/craft shop when I was 16...and has stayed in that little frame ever since.

This pair of Wellington doves he gave her as a Christmas gift in their later years.
She liked it so much that he bought several more pairs of Wellington birds for four subsequent holidays...and then she told him she had enough birds  (smile).

Valentine's Day brings of riot of expectations with it,doesn't it?
Love notes to your sweet... captured, love lost, love reborn, love reformed.

I think one finds that the stronger and more secure your love is, the less you need.
That's what she meant when she said she had enough birds.

One doesn't need to be showered in gifts when love is forever.  Permanent.  At least that's how I feel anyway.  Time shared together is worth its weight in gold...

...because your life can change in an instant... and your time is just a memory.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Garden Trist

Shared this past summer with our grape harvest behind it, our little windmill now blends so seemlessly with the landscape.

The weathered textures become enchanting admist the snow as the clean lines of the frame become decidedly architectural; the dancing lines of the grapevine, an organic abstraction.

Like old friends frozen in time. 

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Winter Whites in the Landscape

After a heavy snowfall, one should always pause --if for just a moment-- to reflect on the beauty of the morning...

Sharing my garden with:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just Checkin' and BLOGGER Issues

JUST CHECKIN' see how everyone is doin'. 

We check out the back window to make sure the girls made it through the night...

Winter has finally arrived.  It gets pretty cold at night.
But they're snug as bugs in rugs.

As for BLOGGER...
I just don't know what to say. 
It seems like everyday I find another blog I cannot comment on.

I 'click' on 'comment,'
the screen pops up,
and then turns completely white and disables on me.
I even see the other comments people have made for a split second,
and then it all disappears.
What a tease.


After a few emails,
Debra at Common Ground determined it had something to do with the comments being 'embedded in the post'
(see :design, setting, comments- (I think))

(It says,"The embedded comment format cannot beused if you have post pages disabled."  Now, I don't think anyone disabled their pages, but BLOGGER is sure tripping us up here on this issue.)

After she changed her commenting format to a 'pop-up window,'
I am NOW able to comment on her blog again.

I figured there are some people who may not be able to comment on  MY blog for the same reason...
so I changed my format to a 'pop-up' window today as well.

I hope this resolves some problems if anyone had a difficult time accessing T&P.

I have emailed some of you that I have been unable to comment on your blog...
I still keep trying everyday, but it doesn't let me through.
I'm so sorry---
it's not that I don't want to comment,
BLOGGER just won't cooperate.

Just alerting some of you out there that the pop-up window format does help.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A "Betty" Just for Me

I have a new "Betty" and she's all mine!

We sold original Betty back in August. 
She was a July project.
  She was a prairie dove.
  Dan found her abandoned on the road and we fixed her up and sold her off.
  I had seller's remorse pretty bad.
  I wanted her back desperately.
  I vowed that if I found another Betty, I would keep her.

Well, find her I DID.  For $50!!!
Frequent searches paid off with an add on EBAY classifieds.
She had some minor damage that was easily repairable.

The makeover didn't start until November.  Because I knew she was a keeper, she was on the back burner for awhile.  But now, she's all styled up and pretty for you.

We made her over the exact same way as original Betty.

She's just lovin' bein' full of vintage curiosities.

Some of my Depression glass.

Vintage newsprint for Emily at Lovely Beasts (Hello BBFF!!)

The shoe stretchers were my grandmother's. 
The equestrian hat was a Christmas gift from Dan...found for $3 at a flea.

My dad found these chandy prisms years ago and told me to make some earrings out of them.  Uhhh...Dad....they are REALLY heavy.

Vintage science specimans...saved from the trash bin.

Corral..Christmas gift from a few years ago.

An antique sugar and creamer that was a gift.

Vintage love...

And the winter north light pouring in on our family room.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

When the Kings Come

Christmas Day has past, but Christmas isn't over until the kings come.

Anyone out there have these guys?  Or am I an isolated entity? 

My kings stand 14" tall.  I believe they are from the 60's.  They were my grandmother's and I know they were purchaased at a church bazaar.  The heads are manufactured, but the bodies are wooden, the arms and hands painted papier mache, and the garments sewn.  My mother has a matching set and so does my aunt.  Everyone was snatching them up.

Back then, there were many Christmas crafters, just as there are now.  I've seen these heads in other places, on ebay and such, but I have not seen Magi as handsome as mine.

A very merry vintage epiphany!

I will be sharing this week at

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

White Delight

We found a jewel on Craigslist this past summer.  I loved the mirror so much I decided to keep her.  The dresser and mirror together were a $75 bundle.

She sat in the garage for all of autumn, because I just didn't have time for her.  Once I had decided to keep her, I had to get other jobs done first.  Isn't that how it always goes? 

The mirror is utter romance.  Just look at it.

I love my metal bench reflected in the mirror here.

The age and crackle of the mirror is what sold me.  I have not ever seen a mirror on a piece of furniture like this that was this far gone.  Infact, it looks even older in person.  My photos really don't do her justice to her beauty.

Originally, I purchased the dresser with an oak finish.  It was nice and clean, but I'm not that into oak right now, so I whitewashed her in more of a rustic style to blend with my front room decor.

The top trim on the mirror.

And here, reflecting my front room again.
She's going to be the perfect spot for collections and seasonal displays.

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Thank you all for joining!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sharkey's New Year's Resolutions

I will get control over myself.  I will keep my tongue in my mouth so I don't look so sloppy.  My mom says it just emphasizes the fact that I'm crazy.

My mom is pretty sure I've got ape parts in me, that's how crazy I get.

If you're reading this, you probably heard about the window.  Yeah, Ruby and me were playin' under the table and that chair got knocked over and broke the window... but I heard the guy is finally coming to replace it this Wednesday. 
So that's getting taken care of.

I will not steal veggies from my dad's garden this summer.  I wrecked a lot of good tomatoes and onions!  Did you know they make tasty toys?!  I couldn't help myself!  I stole some corn stalks off the chicken coop and dragged those around the yard, too!  It was soooo exhilarating!!

I will not chew cables and wires anymore, either.  I knocked out my mom and dad's cable and internet for three whole days his past week before they even figured out what I did (hee hee)  Yes, I did.  I ripped it out of the house and then pulled it out the ground and I shredded it!  I LOVE to dig, dig, dig!!  I still can't believe they didn't know I did it until Dad had that Twilight Zone dream that I did something bad outside. 

They had to have a man come out and trench a whole new line out to the box.  Dad barracaded the connection to the house now with some of Mom's milk cans so I can't find it.  They are so lucky the ground wasn't frozen, or he wouldn't have been able to do it and then they would've had to get a dish.  I did not like that cable man.  He smelled like beef and cheese. 

I'll be seein' you around the block when I make my rounds with my dad!

Did you get those cookies shaped like the mailman for Christmas, too? 
They were sooooo good!!