Tuesday, December 17, 2013

No Room, Leon

"No room, no room..."
  These were the words of my son 
as he practiced his lines
 for the Christmas play last week.
  He was to be the inn keeper.
  "No room, no room."

The premise of the production
was about a child named LEON 
who was being bullied and could only secure the part 
of an understudy of the inn keeper in the school play-
and he ended up being the Christmas star-

How relevant-
 to everything going on here on this little blog.
  No room for the cost of a new computer to edit my images,
 and no room to save the images I take.
and thinking 
about how I will handle this.

   I am attempting some other methods right now
 to see how they work for me.
  I hope to get a new computer soon after the holidays are through.

  Until then, I DO have room for life's other joys-
 the Christmas play, 
the Christmas band concert, 
basketball games, 
holiday crafts with the kids, 
kids' holiday parties, 
and reflection on the more quiet meaning of advent- 
patience and waiting and preparation.

And my son,
who didn't talk as a baby,
and ended up in speech therapy for a year,
 and then stuttered for another year,
sang on stage in a trio of boys- 
something I never thought he would do.

It's all possible.

I have taken some time to look over this little blog
in my time away 
and she is getting freshened up.
 I've begun some clean up and am generating ideas.  
She's a little blog, but she's my blog. 
I worry too much about how others perceive it,
 and I shouldn't. 
 No more.  
We're going to stay folksy as a donkey
and that's how we're gonna roll.

Thank you 
to those who have not completely abandoned me
 since the computer virus.  
I know I haven't posted as of late
so it's a boring place to be.
My son's science project ended up costing us $600, 
well, that was the cost of the computer that it ate anyway.
Good thing he got an A.
After the holiday rush will be a better time 
to search and invest
for a new device.

Until then,
a merry NOEL is in order over here.
Christmas is almost here!

(I am sooo behind in the giftwrap.)


Sharing with
Ivy and Elephants
Savvy Southern Style
Common Ground
French Country Cottage