Saturday, November 5, 2011

Welcome November

Well, the Halloween decorations have been packed away, and now it is time to welcome November with open arms.  It is quite brisk outside today.

My son decorated what he likes to call 'The Hope Tree.'  It has a little ornament that says, 'hope.'  He put some fall leaves on it so we're still in stride with the end of fall, but we are so transitioning into holiday mode around here.

As Thanksgiving approaches, snow is on its way in the midwest.  I like to start bringing out what we call pre-Christmas decorations.

Here's that beautiful sugar maple you saw out our front door.  They are one of the last trees to turn and drop.

It's like a sky cathedral.


  1. Hi Andrea, The "Hope" tree is very pretty. The sugar maples are gorgeous. The leaves from my maple trees are all on my lawn and blowing into my neighbors lawn. They won't be very happy with me. But it has been so windy that there is no use raking yet.
    Happy November!

  2. I adore the "hope" tree,your son must be as talented as his mum!

    Your sugar maple looks beautiful.

    Enjoy your weather and your weekend x

  3. I just may have a sugar maple that I never knew the name of then. It is the most amazing yellow color right now.

  4. I love maple trees and would love to have some at my house, mind you they would be looking very green here right now!
