Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Header for Winter!!

Well, Dan was updating my header as a surprise, but I caught him in the middle of doing it, so I spoiled the surprise.  Here are some quotes from him that I thought you would all be interested in hearing:

"110 friends?  Those are MY friends!  I got this blog going!" response to the chickens on the prairie

"I CAN and WILL shut this whole blog down because I know how to do it!   I brought you into this world, I can take you out!  I'll block access so you can't do anything about it!".....when I complained that the photo he edited didn't fit the sceen at first, only half of it.

"Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, CAN serve a purpose." (That's from an all time fav movie, "Dumb and Dumber") response to his superior technological ability over my own meager capabilities.  AND he is over 50% gray.

Doesn't it look pretty?  He used a mirror trim photo of some wood detailing for the background and our header now is the view out of our front window after last winter's big blizzard that snowed us in.

Hey, we had huge and chunky snow flurries on Thursday and newscasters are predicting this will be one of Chicago's worst winters EVA.   Mr. shoveler is already anticipating this winter's worst and celebrated the news with a new pair of boots from Farm and Fleet yesterday.

Sharing a beautiful family addition tomorrow!  :)  Happy Saturday Night!


  1. HI, Andrea

    I love your new Header. Great idea! Try to keep warm, if you get to cold you can come to visit Florida and get warmed up. LOL

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Hi Andrea, I love your new header. I need to update mine but I'm not very good at it and I don't have anyone to help me. Could you send Dan over?
    I love your little Christmas tree from you last post.
    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  3. Love your new header! Great job to both of you!

  4. Dan, aka Mr. Shoveler, did a great job!

  5. Great header and thanks for visiting my blog.Have a great Sunday.

  6. Love the new header. The comments were priceless 8-)

  7. Your new blog design looks pefect for the upcoming season. I live in the south, so we probably won't be having a harsh winter like you, but I always dream of getting some snow. Maybe you can send some our way if you get sick of it! Ha!

  8. Beautiful new header and I'd loved the comments your husband made!
    I also love the buffet you made over in your last post...beautiful too! And that chicken coop? I don't blame you for keeping that one, love the lettering too!

  9. WI guess you'll just have to share your followers:-) The header is so pretty, so cozy.
    Thanks so much for visiting with me and for your nice comments. Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  10. Yes, I love it. I told my husband he should get his own blog about motorcycles or something guyish, but he told me guys don't read blogs.

  11. Your header is beautiful. Tell Mr. Shoveler he did great!
    Audrey at

  12. Looking good here. Your new puppy is adorable too.
