Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ruby Sue

Welcome, Ruby Sue, the new baby.

A remarkable little puppy, we don't even have to wait when we take her outside.  She goes immediately and in-house accidents have been surprisingly minimal.

Half black lab and half something else, she is.  We found her at the shelter with her litter mates and her mama.  Everyone got adopted ( I checked back).

But in this house....

....she's 100% baby.

(And, edited back some brown in the blog updo.  I do prefer it).


  1. What a cutie (both of them.) We have a chocolate lab female (16 months.) Congratulations and have fun!

  2. You will have so much fun with your new baby!

  3. She is so cute! Enjoy her- they like babies grow so quickly!

  4. Ruby Sue and your daughter are adorable! What a fun addition to the family.

  5. She is adorable and I love the name, you will have so much fun with her!

  6. Ruby Sue is a cutie, and she has an adorable playmate.

  7. Oh Ruby Sue is so cute! We used to have a black Lab many years ago. They are good dogs. I LOVE LOVE YOUR NEW HEADER! Angels are special to me, and I used to collect them.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  8. Oh Andrea, your new puppy is so gorgeous
    I want her!!

    Your blog is looking great
    I read that your hubbie did the changes
    so well done to him (and to you too of course)

    Hope your Monday went well
    and that the rest of the week is even better.

    x Fiona

  9. Love the new blog look, I noticed it the minute I clicked over here! That dog is too cute! Thanks for sharing!
