...but when it really comes down to it, it's just a favorite collection. That is how I treat much of my Christmas decor...like a time-loved collection of treasures.
These mantel shelves in my kitchen were made by Dan, after I requested several years ago that he fashion some for me. They sit on the back wall where we eat.
So many items on these shelves are just things that I want to see everyday during the Christmas season.
The little crochet Santa was my Grandmother's. It has one of those celluloid faces. I'm sure someone out there has one just like this from their long-ago church bazaar. It was one of those holiday items I loved as a child.
He sits on a little nail under the shelves for seasonal decor that gets switched out.
This old photo is of my mother on a visit to Santa during the 1940's. It is one I leave up year-round. The papier mache Santa is part of a papier mache Christmas collection I have.
I made friends with an antique-r who has quite a bit of religious and holiday items stock-piled in his apartment. His family, unfortunately, doesn't seem to have an interest in carrying on his passion for these favorites. He agreed to sell them to me because I absolutely promised him they would be displayed where my children could enjoy them during Christmas. We ALL enjoy them! The papier mache Santa is actually an old candy container.
The little cardboard homes from Occupied Japan were part of my Grandmother's village. Hers was always under the tree. That will never happen in my house. Ruby Sue literally almost knocked the whole thing over yesterday as she dove under it and came out the other end. I'll end up tying it to the ceiling yet!
This papier mache snowman was once a nut cup! His hat still has the old cup in it. The cardboard Santa box is an old candy box. The silver tree was an after Christmas find. The truck and tree candle was a HomeGoods candle from about five years ago. It has become a favorite of mine and the boys.
This little tinsel tree was also under my Grandmother's tree. I think it dates from the 50's or 60's.
The big red boot and the little red boot are part of the papier mache collection.
The red tin was a HomeGoods find.
That baby picture is my daughter...from about 9 months of age. She stays up year round.
This old Christmas Snow box was in my Grandmother's Christmas decor. It sat in there for a few years because I didn't know what to do with it. It was torn and taped. I decided to just cut it and frame it so I could enjoy the vintage graphic.
These little pudgy snowmen are from my mom!
This vintage boy-candle is a HomeGoods repro/find from several years back. I think he was like three dollars.
A little leaded figure-- these guys run up to $20-$30 now, can you believe??
A Radko ornament that was gift, and my boots again, so red and cheerful!
And this little antique celluloid Santa on skies... he's pretty old,too. An oldie, but a goodie.
Thank you for visiting my red on aqua Christmas kitchen collection!
I will be linking this post up with the Christmas kitchen party being hosted at
You have so many great things on your shelves! The photo of your mother with Santa is adorable. It looks like something out of Miracle on 34th Street.
What a beautiful collection you have, I love how you are helping preserve things from Christmas past!
Every piece has it's story and a great memory. Love the shelf with so festive decoration. Thanks for your concerns on my eye. I'm getting better now. Wish to see more your lovely decoration, very inspiring.
What a lovely assortment of vintage Christmas items! And how nice that you will carry on your friend's love of vintage holiday treasures. I'm sure he is happy to see some of his things displayed in your home!
Kat :)
Everything looks so pretty on your shelves, Andrea! It sounds like many of these pieces have special meaning to you and it's wonderful that they are placed where you can see them everyday during the holidays.
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