Today was the perfect temperature to enjoy a bike ride.
These images are taken on the Wauponsee trail that runs by our home.
(I *heart* dirt roads)
A five mile bike ride yielded many farms being harvested.
The sun was almost too bright to get really good shots, but I got a few.
Dreaming of this life.

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I keep waiting for them to harvest the corn behind us, but so far they haven't started. That looks like the perfect place for a Sunday bike ride.
beautiful! :)
A very pretty post, no farms out my! Thanks for sharing your inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!
Great barn shots Andrea! Most of the soybeans have been harvested around here and some of the corn. So we are seeing quite a few bare fields.
Beautiful photos Andrea! Wonderful looking farm land.
I'm glad you enjoyed your bike ride and took some pretty pictures along the way. I dream of a life in the country too...someday. Have a nice Fall week.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
what a cute little barn! love the coloration. :)
I love touring farmland on my bike, too. I really love the picture with the truck n the foreground - the openness is so beautiful!
Nice country shots! I like the color of that barn.
love that bright color on the barn.
Ah, red barns and red trucks!
The shot with the fence is a lovely composition!
I really like how this one is painted.
It's different how they painted the doors red--unusual against the stone foundation---makes for a unique combo of gray, beige, and popping red.
Lovely setting---much like what is around here these days.
what a pretty place for a bike ride!
love the different colors of the barn. my fav view is the old truck in the corn field ... what a great view! (:
Love the pops of red! Great barn!
Mighty fine barn & captures, esp the 2nd one, very beautiful!
Thanks for joining =)
I love that second view best...and love the feel of the one with the truck.
Fall bike rides and charming barns look like a winning combination to me.
What a fun bike ride. I'm so jealous of your photos of the farm land. Beautiful area!
Oh, what a lovely day, and what a great place to ride a bike!
Great outdoor photos!
Keep dreaming, for dreams are the first steps in a new direction!
Sky Wire
Love your shot through the fence!
I love that dirt road!! Farming is a tough life, and I am so grateful that there are people willing to do it!!
forever ahhh, nevermind! I miss read what you said. My fault, youre wanting those status messages synced up with your phones contacts so it displays it. Gotcha, yeah that would be cool, but I dont mind much to not have that (yet).
Harvest is all but done here. So early! Lovely photos. xo
Such a lovely place! Great photos!
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