Friday, September 9, 2011

Summer's End

Where did summer go?

The days are much cooler this week.  Although we have longed for autumn's cooler weather, it will be sad to see this summer go.   Our little baby is growing up.

You could almost blink, and the time has gone.  She is our last baby. 

She's wantin' to do big-girl things, now.

So it is hard to let go sometimes.  This is the last summer to really enjoy chubby baby legs, as she is starting to grow much taller now.  Our family is very small and there won't be another baby in the family until perhaps our babies have babies.  It is definitely hard to let go and pack up the last of the little baby sundresses, especially when you love baby-ness.

The kids had lots of fun this summer.

(Second from left is our youngest, holding Bo-Bo's hand).

They got to climb trees...

...and go for a ride with the top down. 

But I will really miss this summer in years looking back. 

The boys are getting super tall and strong now.

You just know in your heart that next summer will move even faster.

They want to do 'man' things.

Where does the time go, where does it go...

...if they could just stay little.

1 comment:

Mona Kay Gorman said...

So poignant watching the babies son is 15 & I'm still not over the shock of hearing his voice on his cellphone & wondering what MAN answered my baby's phone!!

Looks like you had a lovely summer!!

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