On a chicken, on top of my refrigerator!
Why is she all the way up there?
Well, last week, Baby Girl and I went to the antique mart
and her eye caught this vintage toy high chair,
upon which she promptly started convincing me of the need for it.
(It was the perfect size for a lot of her babies).
(It was the perfect size for a lot of her babies).
So, okay, onto check-out.
Mr. Mike, our friend at the antique mart,
...and told her the baby needed a mommy
because she had leprosy.
We took Baby Dainty home,
but because the paint is flaking badly
(it literally comes off in flakes in my hand)
(it literally comes off in flakes in my hand)
and MY Baby Girl isn't really to be trusted,
I have kept her out of reach.
Has anyone had experience with
old dolls having lead-based paint in the finishes?
Until I hear otherwise,
or until Baby Girl is a little bit older,
this blue-eyed
this blue-eyed
Baby Dainty with the hot lips
will stay perched on her chicken.
Sharing with
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
will stay perched on her chicken.
Sharing with
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
No experience with chippy lead paint, but it's probably wise to keep her up high. She is pretty adorable though.
She is great! I've fallen in love with your Baby Dainty ~
Popped by from WIW Hello Dolly.
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