Today I had the honor of receiving a blog award. The Liebster tag translates as 'Sweetheart' in German and is meant to identify a new blogger that you feel is inspiring. Thank you, Barb and Dell, from Barb and Dell Designs, for gracing my blog with Liebster luv. Barb and Dell were there for me when I first started blogging last month and have been kind enough to recognize my little old blog.
Now, I must pass on this lovely tag to five bloggers, with less than 200 followers, whom I feel have inspired me and stirred my heart. The rules for passing on this award ladies, is that you keep pushing each other to be good writers, share the love, and link up with each other so we can all share the love.
My Liebster luv goes out to:
Anita Young, of Anita Young Designs. I met Anita at the Three French Hens Flea in Morris, IL last weekend and we have been gabbin' online ever since. I posted some of her lovely work and then she goes and sends me this...
The most beautiful thank you! Lavendar sachets, which immediately made their way into my bathroom ( and I will be posting about some redecoratin' in there very soon). I almost fell over when I opened the box... the lavendar is super pungent and the handpainted chickens were adorable ....Anita, did you know I love chickens??? Anyway, Anita is a painter from Illinois and her work is featured at
Really, Anita, you didn't have to. If you only saw the lady who yelled at me and WOULDN"T let me photograph her booth. You're the best!
Emily, of Lovely Beasts. Emily sent me a comment on one of my farm posts about a hankerin' she was havin' for some grainsack love. Emily is like my BBFF and I've only known her about a month, which is about as long as my whole bloggin' career. I think Emily and I are going to be BBFF for a long time. That's what BBFF is all about anyway. Emily will be receiving some grainsacks in the mail sometime this week from me. They are in transit and awaiting their new home in Houston, after sittin' in a barn for decades. We're all gonna hafta watch what this girl does with fiber art! Her work is featured at
She loves to paint, just like me! Can't wait to see what she'll do with this...

Her work is featured at
Carol-Anne of Use the Good Dishes always leaves me the best comments. She is so cheerful and happy and she has some neat projects you should check out sometime! Carol-Anne thinks she looks like this:
But she is truly a beautiful woman, I swear! Her sense of humor is hilarious and if you need a healthy dose of comedy in your bloggin' adventures, you definitely want to tune in and read about hers!
Carol-Anne loves to get creative with paint, as evidenced in her perfect color-selection on this chair she just completed for her office.
Her work is featured at
And to send the Liebster luv back over the ocean to Europe, blog love goes out to Trine of the Cottage of Vinnord. Trine's beautiful home has been featured as a Cottage of the Month at the Old Painted Cottage, a very coveted award in blogland. She has, room by room, redone a cottage in the most beautiful soothing tones of pistacchio. I am a die-hard fan of the Old Painted Cottage and since she was featured I have been stalking her blog ever since. Oh, and did I tell you about her pony??? There's no shame in it Trine, you are an ocean away. So if you love all things green, aqua and equine, please give her blog a visit and admire her home.

Thank you ladies, for inspiring me to be a better blogger and artist and to push myself. Please send on to those who make your heart flutter.
Your words are so kind and uplifting, just what I needed after a rough day. Thank you so much sweet blogging friend!
What a lovely surprise! Thank you for this!
Thank you!!! :D :D :D :D Those words truly warm my little norwegian heart :)
I shall see if I cant remember to find 5 bloggers soon to pass it on to :D :D :D
-Trine (and her pony; Pixie)
Congratulations on your award! I'll go check out the other 5 girls blogs tonight. I always like finding new blogs to haunt.
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me! I'm now a follower too of your blog! Love that trunk and how you did the writing on it in an older post of yours...lucky you!
Hey BBFF!!! Thank you so much for the kind words and for sharing this award. And thank you for introducing us to all these amazing bloggers. I'm excited to visit their little home in the blogosphere and I wouldn't have known about them without you!
And I just emailed you, but I got the grainsacks and I think I love you :). You're the best!
p.s. Last time the word verification made me write "hoenopee"!!! I'm still laughing...
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